This 12-Month Immersion is about providing you the tools, support and accountability to make the changes needed to Consciously Create a Life and Body YOU Love!
👉21 Hours of Personal One-to-One Coaching on health, mindset, life and career.
👉Access to Total MindShift Digital Program - Providing you all the tools to start living your dreams.
👉Access to the Total HealthShift Digital Program - Providing you all the tools to live a longer and healthier life.
👉Special Discounts to our Destination DREAM Retreats.
👉Opportunity to spend a weekend at Eclectic Santuary, experiencing Forest Bathing, Yoga Nidra, and more.
👉Complete access to all onsite programs, including Day Retreats, Deliciously Healthy and more.
We help you go inward, to find the source of your limiting beliefs and how to release them and find holistic tools to heal the body and soul.
But most importantly, you will unlock love for yourself, again.
Once you get your Mindset right, everything falls into place!
Learn more throug a Discovery Call with Eclectic Well-Being. During this one hour we will share the secrets of our program and you can decide if coaching is right for you.
No pressure and no obligation.